The original founding place of the silk is Egypt, however it was produced in Syria.
The 14C dating is published in: Mark Van Strydonck / Antoine De Moor / Dominique Bénazeth: 14C Dating compared to art historical dating of Roman and Coptic Textiles from Egypt. Radiocarbon, Vol 46, Nr 1, 2004, p 231–244.
Fragments of the silk are held in the Keir Collection (GB), in the Newark Museum (USA) and in the Royal Museum of Scotland.
According to its characteristics, the silk could be dated to the IVth-VIth centuries, but radiocarbon analysis dates the specific fragment between 240 and 390.
The Piece from Katoen Natie ist published in: De Moor, A. / Verhecken A. / Verhecken-Lammens C., 3500 Years of Textile Art. Tielt 2008, 128-129. Inv. Nr. 795 (C269).
Source of the picture: Christie's: A Rare Silk Fragment with Hunters and Animals